Links to other websites:
- Adoption UK work with parents and practitioners to make adoptions succeed, promoting loving and supportive family relationships within adoptive families
- Adrenal Hyperplasia Network UK has been set up to provide support for all ages with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), particularly adults and teenagers
- British Infertility Counselling Association (BICA)
- Breast Cancer Care
- British Heart Foundation
- CHANA is an organisation which supports couples in the Jewish community in their challenging journey of infertility
- Counselling Directory
- Dr Conway’s Website
- Donor Conception Network
- Dovecote Enabling and inspiring people facing life without children to rediscover a passion and purpose
- Facing Our Risk Support for those affected by hereditary breast and ovarian cancer
- Fertility Connect is an infertility site offering fertility experts online who can provide information on IUI, IVF,ICSI and other infertility treatments. They provide support and information for couples or individuals experiencing difficulty in conceiving
- Fostering Solutions is an independent foster care agency who are passionate about ensuring positive outcomes for children and young people in foster care
- The Fragile X Society is an organisation that provides support and information to fragile X families, educates and informs the public and professionals and encourages research
- The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA)
- Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust is the only dedicated UK charity supporting women and their families affected by cervical cancer and cervical abnormalities
- Marilyn Glenville helping women improve their health through every stage of their lives
- More to Life is part of Infertility Network UK, for those who involuntarily will remain childless
- National Gamete Donation Trust (NGDT) on this site you will find clear and practical information for those considering becoming an egg or sperm donor, health professionals and those requiring treatment with donor eggs or sperm
- National Osteoporosis Society
- Nutritionist Resource Providing the UK with a nutrition support network
- Progress Educational Trust (PET) informing debate on assisted conception and genetics
- SHE Trust (UK) offers help, holistic information and support to women with endometriosis and everyone else interested, to be able to make informed choices about conventional, nutritional and complementary therapies that are available for the management of this enigmatic disease
- Surrogacy UK this organisation was formed to support and inform anyone with an interest in surrogacy within the UK
- Turners Syndrome Support Society
- Women’s Health Concern is a charitable organisation which aims to help educate and support women with their healthcare by providing unbiased, accurate information
Overseas Organisations
- Early Menopause an excellent source of information and an active chatroom
Links from this website
Links are provided for information and convenience only. A link does not imply an endorsement of a site and not linking to a particular site does not imply lack of endorsement of that site. The Daisy Network cannot be held responsible for the contents of any pages referenced by an external link. We reserve the right to withdraw a link or refuse to link to any website without providing an explanation or justification.
Links to this website
We encourage organisations to link to our website but do ask organisations to request permission to do so. We also request that organisations wishing to include a link to this site respect the following conditions:
- To only link to our home page
- Not to copy our logo or use it to create a link
- Not to use the link in a defamatory context
We suggest the use of the following abstract when linking to our site:
“The Daisy Network is the only UK registered charity for women who have experienced POI and provides its members with information, advice and support.”
We do not trade links – if you offer a link to our website, we will not necessarily offer to create a link to your website.
Note: Our pages are subject to change without notice.