Daisy Network was created to provide support to women, along with their families and partners, who have been diagnosed with POI. We understand that this diagnosis can feel incredibly isolating and often women are left confused and unsure where to go next.
Daisy Network provides our members with information and the latest research findings on various aspects of POI including:
– Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and other treatment options
– Managing the longer term health implications such as bone and cardiovascular health, nutrition, and the psychological impact
– Egg donation, adoption or leading a positively childless life
Most of our members find that just talking to someone else who has been through POI is a lifeline. This is where our Networkers can help you.
Networkers are members of The Daisy Network who have volunteered to act as contacts for other members. They are not trained counsellors or medically qualified but they are a friendly listening ear and can offer support and informal advice based on their own experiences of POI.
The Daisy Network also promotes our members arranging local networking groups so that you can meet others that live in your area who have also gone through POI.
Social Media
You can find Daisy Network on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. Please visit our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter or find us on Instagram at @thedaisynetwork to receive all our latest news and updates on POI.
We also have private Facebook groups available for our members, you can find these via our Facebook page.
One of The Daisy Network’s aims is to increase awareness of POI among the medical community and public in general. We have received a large amount of coverage over the years in all types of media and member’s personal stories are an ideal way of raising awareness of POI.
If you are happy to tell your story to the media or a journalist wishing to produce an article on POI, please contact us by emailing press@daisynetwork .org.uk . We will help guide you through the process.
Health professionals and the medical community
The Daisy Network is focused on raising awareness of POI and promoting better management of the condition amongst GPs and other medical professionals. Many of our members currently find that GPs know very little about POI, as such women find that diagnosis and subsequently receiving the best treatment can take a long time and be a very frustrating experience.
The Daisy Network is a also registered stakeholder and contributor to the latest National Institute for Health and care Excellence (NICE) guidelines on the diagnosis and management of menopause including POI. We see this as a fantastic opportunity and landmark in the treatment and awareness of POI furthermore, Dr. Nick Panay, a longstanding patron of Daisy, is one of 15 experts in menopause care who are overseeing the development of the guideline.