Daisy has joined the Prescription Charges Coalition


At Daisy we are very pleased to have joined the Prescription Charges Coalition www.prescriptionchargescoalition.org.uk – a group of over 40 organisations campaigning to end unfair prescription charges for people with long-term medical conditions.


Some long-term health conditions are eligible for prescription charge exemption, but this list was created in 1968 and has hardly changed in the last 50 years. Several conditions which require long-term hormone replacement such as hypothyroidism (under active thyroid) are included on the list and we believe that POI should be included too.


Women with early menopause face several challenges related to prescription charges:

1)    Double prescription charges are frequently applied as both estrogen and progesterone are required

2)    Many GPs are only willing to prescribe up to 3 months HRT at a time

3)    Although the contraceptive pill is issued free, many women will prefer to be on HRT rather than the contraceptive pill as treatment and there is evidence that HRT may be more effective for the long-term effects of early menopause


What is your opinion on prescription charges in POI? Do you feel your treatment has been adversely affected by prescription charges? Have you ever not collected your prescription due to the costs? Please get in touch with your thoughts to info@daisynetwork.org.uk –  having our members’ viewpoints will help give weight to our campaign!