One of The Daisy Network’s key aims is to increase awareness of Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI) in women and the general public. One of the most effective ways to do this is to talk to the media about what it is like to go through a premature menopause.
We appreciate that it takes a great deal of courage to speak out openly about something which many women prefer to keep to themselves and we are extremely grateful to anyone who feels they could help to raise the profile of POI in this way. We are here to support and guide you in speaking to journalists.
Over the years, we have received and helped to facilitate a large amount of coverage in all types of media, from local radio to national newspaper.
For example, in The Daily Mail: Story about women starting menopause at age 40
If you are interested in speaking to the media, please let us know by emailing press@daisynetwork.org.uk and you will be contacted about any forthcoming opportunities.
For all journalist enquiries, please contact press@daisynetwork.org.uk