Daisy Network relies entirely on our members and donations in order to run as a charity and provide continual support to our members and campaigns.
All donations and fundraising proceeds are invested back into the charity to develop and improve our website, the information provided to our members, Daisy Day and our Update newsletter. All trustees and people working for Daisy Network are volunteers.
Looking to donate or fundraise for Daisy Network? There is a donate button on our homepage, as well as the option to fundraise every time you shop online with EasyFundraising. There are many other ways to support us too including by ordering one of our new FREE Fundraising Kits.
Please contact caitlin@daisynetwork.org.uk if you are planning a fundraising activity for guidance, materials and for us so that we can publicize it on our website and social media pages.
Thank you to all those who have donated and helped Daisy Network improve the lives of women diagnosed with POI.